posted by Madame Morgaine 297 @ 4:15 pm
At 5:06 pm, January 19, 2007, 3274 said…
I love you and hate hurting you.And I will always love you.This will not end.
At 7:52 pm, January 19, 2007, Madame Morgaine 297 said…
So dont hurt me, you know u have hurt me, there was no need. And I will always love you, whatever.Will there be and end, does there need to be an end, has there to be an end to all questions.You hold the lead always I merely follow, to make u happy. I cannot lead as your restict yourself from me.
At 8:11 pm, January 19, 2007, 3274 said…
I'm sorry that I hurt you - but I have been bottling up my feelings for so long. Our love will keep us strong.
At 12:02 am, January 20, 2007, Madame Morgaine 297 said…
I feel terrible that you bottled up for so long to please me.
At 12:28 am, January 20, 2007, 3274 said…
Don't feel bad.It was my fault - I hold everything back. Please, let's move forward.
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At 5:06 pm, January 19, 2007,
3274 said…
I love you and hate hurting you.
And I will always love you.
This will not end.
At 7:52 pm, January 19, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
So dont hurt me, you know u have hurt me, there was no need. And I will always love you, whatever.
Will there be and end, does there need to be an end, has there to be an end to all questions.
You hold the lead always I merely follow, to make u happy. I cannot lead as your restict yourself from me.
At 8:11 pm, January 19, 2007,
3274 said…
I'm sorry that I hurt you - but I have been bottling up my feelings for so long.
Our love will keep us strong.
At 12:02 am, January 20, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
I feel terrible that you bottled up for so long to please me.
At 12:28 am, January 20, 2007,
3274 said…
Don't feel bad.
It was my fault - I hold everything back. Please, let's move forward.
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