
Thursday, January 18, 2007


I find that if you have to have words on a paper it is the end of any relationship, marriage contract, the contract is within the hearts and mind of the people who are in love.

Trust is already lost when it has to be written down, or shown around to others , the paper is waved around as a weapon. For me the only other who needs to know the love I have for them is the recipient, so why should it be written down.

When it falters then it is easy to walk away.


  • At 11:44 pm, January 18, 2007, Blogger 3274 said…

    Funny statement. Obviously aimed in one direction.

    I never waved anything about but the implication is that I did.

  • At 1:04 am, January 19, 2007, Blogger Madame Morgaine 297 said…

    not funny at all, you said in conversation last night that we did not have a marriage contract, I have thought and given an answer for why we do not need one,course it was aimed in one direction, yours as I married only you.I did not imtimate that u waved anything or the contract about, I merely state that if people have one then they usually wave it 'around' for justice of sorts or proof.


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