
Sunday, August 06, 2006


I have returned to mayhem, quarrels and bitches arguing. slave 3274 will be granted an audience as requested.


  • At 2:30 am, August 06, 2006, Blogger 3274 said…

    MASTER, I was given an order by Mistress Lilith which, had I carried it out, would have caused me to disrespect Madame Morgaine. When I pointed out my dilemma, Mistress Lilith accused me of refusing to obey an order. I throw myself at your mercy MASTER. I could not have carried out the order but I don't wish to disobey a command given by one of my Trainers

  • At 2:35 am, August 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    slve 3274 Iseult, you have responded well to throw your dilemma at my feet, I will punish both the trainers. As you have not yet signed but responded well to commands I will lenient towards you.

  • At 2:37 am, August 06, 2006, Blogger 3274 said…

    I thank you MASTER, but I also ask that you be lenient to my Trainers. They are both devoted to you and I wish to learn much from them

  • At 2:40 am, August 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are very considerate. I will chose how lenient I am, I do not want to return to problems again.


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