posted by Madame Morgaine 297 @ 4:58 pm
At 5:15 pm, February 02, 2007, 3274 said…
I've been given painkillers for back and told to go back if its no better in a week.I would have thought being permanently bent over as in the red shorts would make it easier for you to have access ;-)
At 5:37 pm, February 02, 2007, Madame Morgaine 297 said…
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At 5:15 pm, February 02, 2007,
3274 said…
I've been given painkillers for back and told to go back if its no better in a week.
I would have thought being permanently bent over as in the red shorts would make it easier for you to have access ;-)
At 5:37 pm, February 02, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
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