Nothing completed to please your Owner, when was black ribbon taken off, did it leave marks, did the slave enjoy wearing such an emblem of control, is the chastity belt missed, does she want to be pierced, are there limits to tits being increased, plugged for days, being used as a bitch on heat in any position, taking fluid when commanded ?
if not able to fulfil then the contract is null and void, but it is easy to inform Owner of jobs completed and satisfaction got from each commnand, so Owner can re-make or adjust a command for the slave, then contract is fulfilled as u have honoured the instructions
At 2:15 pm, January 02, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
Desirably so.
At 2:21 pm, January 02, 2007,
3274 said…
Then cause it and all of your desires to become reality.
I beg you.
At 3:10 pm, January 02, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
It is possible, you know that, but it takes dedication on your part to make it happen, not only in my part.
Empty begging and hollow words do not reality create.
At 5:09 pm, January 02, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
What have u completed today for me?
At 8:09 pm, January 02, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
Nothing completed to please your Owner, when was black ribbon taken off, did it leave marks, did the slave enjoy wearing such an emblem of control, is the chastity belt missed, does she want to be pierced, are there limits to tits being increased, plugged for days, being used as a bitch on heat in any position, taking fluid when commanded ?
At 8:29 pm, January 02, 2007,
3274 said…
Clearly, I am not fit for this role in life - we both know that to be true. It was a nice thought but one that I know I will never be able to fulfil.
At 1:33 am, January 03, 2007,
Madame Morgaine 297 said…
if not able to fulfil then the contract is null and void, but it is easy to inform Owner of jobs completed and satisfaction got from each commnand, so Owner can re-make or adjust a command for the slave, then contract is fulfilled as u have honoured the instructions
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