
Friday, June 30, 2006

Pony tail

This will be very long and rich, multi coloured and very full and heavy. Adornments that sound pony girls entrance. This needs a lot of practice on the slave's part. This will be her next training.


Originally uploaded by Keturah 3274.
My diet has been supplemented over the last few months to improve my cleavage.

My Owner has decided to supplement the supplements. The new red pill will enhance me even more.


Adsiltia needs restraint, but she is lathering at her bit. Perhaps the harness is too tight? Restraint will be used in other regions.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


The postman have all gone on strike!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


That is my new name. It is the name of a pony that has not yet been reined by its Owner. I am a wife and a slave. But I am now becoming an animalised woman - a ponygirl.

I yearn for consumation, and a new, fulfilled name.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A new creation

My Owner has threatened to break me in like a wild pony. If that is what she wants above all other things then I will happily be transformed nto a ponygirl.

I wonder how far my Owner intends to go. Perhaps something like this....

Whatever she wishes, it will be wonderful to do her bidding.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Slave is not obediant, she is too strong willed. The only choice for her Owner is to break her in, as you would a wild pony.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


My Owner has told me that if I fail to meet her demands I will only be wrapped up this much:

However, If I'm good I could be lucky enough to be offered this:

Friday, June 16, 2006

Butterfly kisses

Butterfly hearts wing the auras of molten embrace
coiled in a roseate cave along the midnight sky,
Oozing desires of frozen kiss in an auburn grace.
The coo of quiet syllables swirl my secret place.
Cuddling the mushy clouds that bring us nighbutterfly hearts wing the auras of molten embrace
The sweetened showers roll down my swollen face.
Pouting for the lush lip-lock in a tickling shy,
Oozing desires of frozen kiss in an auburn grace.
Soft falling petals mantles the fear of disgrace.
Moulding our tender dreams in a bitter sigh,
butterfly hearts wing the auras of molten embrace.
My core pulsates the heat in a bumpy pace.
As we drown in the pools of wine of a sweet lie,
Oozing desires of frozen kiss in an auburn grace.
Two naive vibes fuse, dying in our sacred space and saline eyes drip the dews of final goodbye,
Butterfly hearts wing the auras of molten embrace,
Oozing desires of frozen kiss in an auburn grace.
My sweet so sweet butterfly.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Thank you slave for informing me of how many of your commands you have been able to carry out.

You are always so considerate of your Owner's feelings and needs. I kiss the tip of your nose as a gesture of love.

The thrill of knowing every hour and minute that you are chastised during your daily trials and tribulations of earning a living.

Lusting over what colour panties you are wearing and which necklace of ownership.


Commands are being carried out?

Sunday, June 11, 2006


One drop at a time for my Slave.

Make sure that Rosebud has had her usage before nightfall.

Otherwise, a large square cube of blue ice will do the trick for rosebud and left there till all melted away.

I would make you keep your wet panties on till they are dry and hope that you dont get chapped .


Slave is chastised today.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Friday, June 09, 2006


Future !!!!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

nipple rings

For my slave, pierced nipples.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nipple pump

I am desperate for this item, for you to use and also apply the nipple stretchers. Can I wait - NO

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Nipple pumps with stretchers are still awaited. I am sure that you are eagerly awaiting there delivery.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I hope your day of chastisement has been pleasurable my slave.


That is your command for the day. Controlled and seductive.


Large intoxic green leaf, so what does it cover?


To serve your Madame


awaiting perusal.......... 7th position


I have been a very poor slave recently. I extend my tongue for my Owner to place on it whatever she wishes.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stable boys/men

As ideas for what to gag my slave with are not forthcoming. I am sending her off to the stables, the bosy and men there will kit her out in her pony bridle, headress etc.. They no doubt will have something delightful in which to stuff her mouth with.

These young men do like sport and I am sure 3274 will be more than happy to serve them all.


3274 has had enough time to speak, I will gag her again. Not sure what with though.

Ideas on a plate with money, will be collected at the end of the service.


I have taken the golden cock out of my slaves mouth, this will enable her to speak of whatever takes her fancy.


The gold cock in my slaves mouth keeps her so silent. She does very well with the training of my stable of slaves.

Seventh Position

Does my slave know of the seventh position?

She is at the moment in a black latexed hole without sound or sight or any sense of feeling. Her senses are controlled by me.

I will keep her in this black hole till she obeys me in all things.

The Thing

My slave, is so silent with being gagged, only her eyes tell of her misery. The Thing has got her and pulled her into the depths of a miserable life.

Do I rescue my slave or just leave her in there.

Silent slave

She ignores Her Owner, Blessed with name, Number, who could ask for more? My silent slave, ignores, all I ask of her, so what do I do? With knowledge of the name comes a distincter recognition and knowledge of the thing....

Friday, June 02, 2006


Slave will use her 5th position today and her third mantra. Chastity belt has to be worn. Failure to overy these commands perfectly will result in punishment. I am dreaming of that as I write.

Tied up for now

I think her stockings are far too tight. Sweet pony tail.

This is how slave 3274 would love to be, but this punishment is not for her.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pony of mine

My silent slave has found me a very sweet well rounded tailed slave.
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